on the 22nd I followed my geek hive insticts, which led me to the great geek starcraft championships finals!!! Me and some other 5 thousand nerds were cooped up inside a huge stadium, and it was, well, AWESOME!!!
I didn't succeed in getting a good shot that could portray how many people were actually there....
while waiting in the everlasting line for the finals, this cute little munchkin was so adorable I just had to take a photo of her... you can see that they start their infatuation with starcraft at a very young age... later on I gave her as a present a helium baloon I tore off with my teeth from the nearby santa booth :)
this... thing... was something I actually ate, and LIKED. it was a normal sushi but with fish-eggs, mayonnaise, some sorf of sea-food, and some more unrecognizable stuff...
I just had to do the dance with my fellow santa, he was moving like a drunk `village people` guy.

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