Saturday, June 28, 2008

Decision making

I've had the chance now of sitting down and discussing my recent revelations with the computer in the lobby. The reason why I'm in the lobby is because I'm locked out of my own room. The reason why I'm locked out of my room is because Raquel has the key, and she is IN the room, sleeping. The reason why I'm not banging on the door to wake her up, is because I had already tried that, but if she can sleep through my snoring, she will surely sleep even with Metallica banging on her door.

But anyway, I'm digressing.

We were on our last day in Yangshuo, though we weren't aware that it was our last day, yet. We casually drifted along the steaming streets, which held desperate peddlers and shopkeepers eager to sell us their junk. We know its junk. They know we know its junk and they know themselves its junk, but still, someone will buy it sooner or later.

We were sitting on the stone wall close to the river bank, when we were approached by a friendly Chinese fellow, who spoke a stunningly intelligent English. He wished to know if we were native English speakers, and though we embarrassly shook our heads, he decided that our English is good enough to review what seemed to be his written advertisement on his future business goals. I've read it all, five or six pages, so full of grammatical obscurities and misuse of phrases and words that it was painstakingly funny and sad at the same time. Though indeed I believe he had the best English I have yet to hear from a Chinese, it was obvious that he was still thinking in Chinese grammatical terms. But we took it rather well, and I was patient with him, and after probably more than an hour, I concluded my review, and he wished us good luck and good-bye.

Later on, it began raining, which came as a blessing upon the scorching land. After a full roundabout, we ended up dissolving our time at an internet place, trying to figure out what to do next. The Idea we had in mind, thanks to the idea brought to us by the Chinese guy, was to go to a place called Zhangjiejia, or something like that, which held a similar heart-stopping scenery and beautiful nature blah blah blah. However, we sadly had to accept the probable fact that Raquel would not be able to change her flight booking, thus making her unable to stay in china for an additional month with me. So if we desired to see together the big cities of the eastern coast, we had to wrap things up a bit more quickly than the leisurely tour we've been on up till now.

The next morning, it took us minutes to have a change of hearts, and we found ourselves looking for places to stay in Shanghai, 24 hours of a train ride away from Guilin.

17:30 pm the same day, we were already on the train, in a Hard-sleeper car (middle berth), looking out the window at the boring view shifting slowly.

They make plenty of rice in this country... plenty of rice indeed.

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