Saturday, February 23, 2008


The Definition of Engrish: "refers to grammatically incorrect variations of English, often found in East Asian countries. Spelling is also incorrect sometimes. While the term may refer to spoken English, it is more often used to describe written English, for which problems are easier to identify and publicize. Engrish has been found on everything from poorly translated signs, menus, and instruction manuals to bizarrely worded advertisements and strange t-shirt slogans. Usage of the term ranges from the humorous to the slightly pejorative. Country-specific terms, such as Japlish or Janglish for Japan, Konglish for Korea, and Chinglish for China also exist."

I didn't invent the word, heck no... But I definitely like it. As I was wandering the various spots all over japan, I've had the pleasure of encountering those small precious gems of "Engrish"... some of them I got on photoes, for your enjoyment... though my collection is hardly noticable,

if some of you would like to investigate the matter more thouroughly, try this site:

anyways, lets start from the simple up to the philosophical ones...

Its so assuring to find adviced on HOW TO LOOK in a hostel room.

common thing in Japan... the Tooth BLUSH.

I don't know about the Cut part, but I'll definitely take the girl for the BLOW one.

if you are worried about paying for your hand to be CUT, FEAR NOT!!!

It sounds sooo painful to me

Entering the Ferry terminal in Osaka, I had to wait for the Ferry towards Okinawa for about an hour. this was the pamphlate I got from them... It scared me a little bit I must say.

it says: "Thank you for using "Ryukyu express" today. If it is 5:00 pm because I guide you by bus to a MOTHER SHIP. please gather here"



"To create the life for the tweenty-first To seek after genuine articles

To offer the richest assdrtmemt of the latest and best articles

To assure ssatisfaction. delight and happiness

Constrantry at your service in NANKAI's way"

Now, apart from the obvious misspelling, what were they trying to say?!?!


Jujito said...

LOL.. cut and blow...

Anonymous said...

So...? how was it aboard the MOTHER SHIP? :D

Anonymous said...

You know, one of our own pictures is in It's a bag saying something about diving and loving each other or something. You could translate it to "free sex and costly diving" if you were just a little creative there :-)

I'm glad to hear you have time to take these pictures. I will send you (by mail) one I took myself yesterday (and partially today, due to the very l-o-n-g work day I have had...). Not Engrish, but still, nice.

Oh - and the person is actually looking for more pictures (or used to look for... hell if I know what happens there now...)

On another topic (if I'm writing here, already) - you have wrecked our Sophie's mind. She has become even more psychotic than before, with all the tzumi requirements, and might be renounced, due to that, as "Latifa the Queen". She responds well to the new name :-)

Ez, your brother.

Anonymous said...

I bought tons of blouses with stuff written in ENGRISH. xD If I didn't ignored this I wouldn't be able to buy anything! lol I should take pics of them too! I'm laughing my ass off here with those you took! xD the ferry one I think they just put the text in nihongo in the google language tool and translated! hahahaha